Unpacking Cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Investment with Dr. Hans Boateng | Ep. 316
Welcome to another engaging episode of Money Talk with Tiff! Today, we're thrilled to have Dr. Hans Boateng join us to unravel the complexities of digital assets, NFTs, and the broader spectrum of investment diversification. If terms like cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and blockchain sound like a foreign language to you, then you're in for a treat. Dr. Hans offers a deep dive into the potential of these digital assets in our investment portfolios and how they can significantly impact wealth-building strategies, especially within our community.
We'll explore the rollercoaster world of cryptocurrencies, the average returns versus the S&P 500, and discuss the inherent risks involved in chasing higher gains. Furthermore, Dr. Hans illuminates the concept of NFTs beyond just the quirky pictures of apes and penguins and shares his innovative approach to NFTs with The Royals projectโa cultural milestone connecting the African diaspora through blockchain technologies.
Tune in as Dr. Hans demystifies investing in the digital age, the value proposition of NFTs, and how they authenticate ownership in ways far transcending the current hype.
Remember, this is not investment advice but an insightful conversation to empower your financial knowledge.
About Our Guest
Dr. Hans is the ideal person to teach you about investing. He was able to climb the ladder of financial success from the bottom 10% to the top 1%. He is an accomplished professional with a wealth of knowledge and experience in finance and investing. He holds an MBA with a Path of Distinction and a Doctorate degree. He grew up in Ghana, West Africa; when he arrived in the US, he recognized the lack of investment literacy in immigrant and minority households. This fueled his passion for teaching others how to build wealth. He spent 13 years mastering the subject of money and has worked with over 10,000 members. Dr. Hans has been featured on Bloomberg and Business Insider and is trusted by the communities he serves.
Connect with Dr. Hans
Royals Experience: https://www.ghanaroyalgala.com/
Instagram: @theinvestingtutor
Facebook: The Investing Tutor
Twitter: @investingtutor
Connect with Tiffany
Website: https://www.moneytalkwitht.com
Facebook: Money Talk With Tiff
Twitter: @moneytalkwitht
Instagram: @moneytalkwitht
LinkedIn: Tiffany Grant
YouTube: Money Talk With Tiff
Pinterest: @moneytalkwitht
TikTok: @moneytalkwitht
[00:00] Diversification essential for catching up in investments.
[05:45] Upside potential comes with downside risk awareness.
[07:55] NFTs: Unique digital tokens, not interchangeable items.
[10:32] Authenticating ownership via blockchain, accessible to all.
[14:22] Token holders had invitation to visit Ghana.
[18:00] Black identity, NFT potential, and African heritage.
[24:02] Ankara NFT offers big discounts on travel.
[25:56] Thankful for conversation about tech investments and connections.
Key Themes
- Digital assets in investment portfolios
- Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin returns
- Understanding and managing investment risks
- Introduction to NFTs and their function
- Authenticating ownership with blockchain technology
- The Royals NFTs and cultural representation
- Lifetime access through NFT membership benefits
Additional Links & Resources
- FinCon 2024: Atlanta, October 23-26, 2024
- OpenSea
- Making Sense Of Cryptocurrency, CBDCs, FedNow & More | Ep. 244
- What is Cryptocurrency?
Copyright 2024 Tiffany Grant
You know what it is. That's right. It's time to talk money with your money
Speaker:nerd and financial coach. Now, tighten those purse strings
Speaker:and open those ears. It's the money talk with Tiff
Speaker:podcast. Hey,
Speaker:everyone. I am so excited because I have Doctor Hans on the line
Speaker:now. We met back in:Speaker:his expertise is in digital assets and
Speaker:nfts. And so I wanted to bring him on, on the podcast to kind of
Speaker:talk about that with us because I am no expert. I'm
Speaker:just gonna be real. So, hey, Doctor Hans, how are you?
Speaker:Oh, very, very well, Tiffany. So, so, so great
Speaker:to. To be on here. Yes. Thank you so much for coming
Speaker:finally. Yeah, it's been a long time in the making,
Speaker:so let's just hop right in. My first question for
Speaker:you is, what are your thoughts on the role
Speaker:that digital assets and cryptocurrencies and nfts and
Speaker:all these different things that we hear about plays in an investment
Speaker:portfolio? Yeah. You know, when I
Speaker:came into
Speaker:understanding wealth building and investing, right, I
Speaker:noticed that the general kind of
Speaker:education or advice out there was, you know, get
Speaker:a. Then just invest in the
Speaker:S and P 500, right. And obviously, that is
Speaker:a broad basket of the top 500
Speaker:companies in the US at any given time. And historically,
Speaker:this has been the main benchmark for
Speaker:investment returns. Right. It's been averaging about 10%
Speaker:year over year for the past 80 to 100 years. So
Speaker:most individuals view investing as, this is how you diversify, get the S
Speaker:and P 500. Right. What I noticed, though, was
Speaker:that there were some individual companies
Speaker:within the S and P 500 that had phenomenal
Speaker:returns. And like Apple,
Speaker:right. For the past 15 years,
Speaker:Apple has been compounding at about
Speaker:31%. Right? So that is three times the
Speaker:returns of the S and P 500.
Speaker:And with digital assets, bitcoin, it's been averaging
Speaker:150% for the past 13 years.
Speaker:Even last year, bitcoin was up 150%. Now, I'm not
Speaker:saying it's 150% every single year.
Speaker:That's the average. You could have some years where you
Speaker:will have a drawdown or a pullback. So
Speaker:when I saw this, I was like, okay, S and P 500 averages about
Speaker:10% in some individual stocks, if they are
Speaker:good companies and they have incredible growth, can average
Speaker:anywhere between 20% to 30%. And you have digital
Speaker:assets and crypto where you can get, like, upwards of 100%. So
Speaker:for me, diversification is just making sure that I have
Speaker:exposure to all of these different types of
Speaker:vehicles, whereas most investment kind
Speaker:of educators and advisors will say, oh, just buy an index fund. And the truth
Speaker:is, that is the safe
Speaker:and ideal way to go
Speaker:if you just want to steadily build wealth. But
Speaker:for people in our community, often we're catching up, right? We're
Speaker:behind as it relates to the wealth gap. So I
Speaker:view it as we cannot just go with the status quo. We need to give
Speaker:ourselves an edge. Right? So then when an individual is able to
Speaker:combine, you know, the S and P 500 with
Speaker:individual stocks, and then you kind of sprinkle some cherry
Speaker:on top. Right. That's your digital assets and crypto
Speaker:that can exponentially make a huge
Speaker:difference. And I'll just share this one example. Let's say
Speaker:$500 invested over 20
Speaker:years. If that $500 is compounding at
Speaker:10%, you'd end up with about
Speaker:$300,000 over a 20 year period.
Speaker:If that $500
Speaker:compounding at, let's say,
Speaker:25%. Now, if you remember the examples I
Speaker:gave you, I said s and p was 10%,
Speaker:stocks, somewhere around 30%, 20 to
Speaker:30, and bitcoin has been averaging 150. So when I
Speaker:say when I use an average of 25%, even though it might seem
Speaker:high to the average investor, when you combine these
Speaker:three, it doesn't seem kind of impossible, like looking at
Speaker:historic returns. So at a 25%
Speaker:compounded return over 20 years, you're looking at $2
Speaker:million. Right. So that's the edge that
Speaker:I look at. And I say, you know, I cannot just settle for just a
Speaker:10% average return. Yeah. And, you know, when you
Speaker:put it like that, it makes complete sense. I do want to throw out there
Speaker:really quick, a little disclaimer. This is not investment
Speaker:advice. We are just providing information for educational and
Speaker:entertaining purposes. So treat it as.
Speaker:But you make a really valid argument
Speaker:for why you would want some diversification as it comes
Speaker:when it comes to individual stocks,
Speaker:cryptocurrencies, things that are not just the
Speaker:index funds. Yeah. Have that as your base, but then kind of
Speaker:diversify, you know, outside of that. Now, what if people are
Speaker:listening? They're like, okay, I hear you, Doctor Hans, but what about the risk?
Speaker:Yeah, there is risk for anything that
Speaker:has the potential for an upside return. It has
Speaker:equally a similar potential for a downside
Speaker:return. Right. So, in essence, if you have an
Speaker:asset that can be up 150%,
Speaker:if the economy is not great, if
Speaker:liquidity in the financial system isn't there, meaning that
Speaker:banks aren't really lending a ton of money,
Speaker:the Federal Reserve isn't really pumping money
Speaker:into their system, or let's say the Federal Reserve
Speaker:is increasing interest rates, so it's tightening the economy.
Speaker:In such an environment,
Speaker:you could have these kind of risk assets that do really, really well,
Speaker:like bitcoin. And certain stocks, like growth stocks,
Speaker:fall, you know, 50, 70, 80%.
Speaker:So an individual just has to understand that,
Speaker:yes, the same assets that can build you exponential wealth
Speaker:in economic environments that are not favorable, you could see
Speaker:significant pullback. So just mentally
Speaker:understanding that and educating yourself. Right, to
Speaker:know what you're getting into and positioning yourself
Speaker:for the long term, instead of trying to kind of day trade
Speaker:or look for some kind of short term
Speaker:money, right? And that's why I give the example of 20 years.
Speaker:And that's why I was, when I spoke about bitcoin, I said for the
Speaker:past 13 years, it's been averaging
Speaker:150%. But each and every year,
Speaker:it kind of depends on the economy, how it's doing,
Speaker:liquidity and things of that nature. Gotcha. Gotcha.
Speaker:Okay, so now I want to dive into Nfts a little bit,
Speaker:because personally, I'm so confused on how all of this
Speaker:works. So first of all, what are
Speaker:they, how do they work? And how would one buy, what could
Speaker:they possibly look like too? And then how does one go about
Speaker:buying them? Yeah. You know,
Speaker:when most people think about nfts or they hear
Speaker:nfts, right? They just think about pictures of
Speaker:apes, right? Because bored apes was the most popular
Speaker:NFT, and at a certain point it was worth
Speaker:over $400,000, even though originally they
Speaker:were purchased for about $250.
Speaker:So most individuals think about nfts as
Speaker:images of some kind of animal, right? Apes,
Speaker:monkeys, zebras, penguins.
Speaker:And I saw that happening kind of in their space.
Speaker:And I said to myself, people in my community
Speaker:are not going to take their hard earned money to buy
Speaker:pictures of animals, right? It didn't make sense to me.
Speaker:So I wanted to create something
Speaker:that would, um, speak
Speaker:to individuals in our community. But before kind of
Speaker:diving into how I personally used nfts, let
Speaker:me take a step back and kind of share with you the definition of an
Speaker:NFT. So the simplest way to think
Speaker:about an NFT is, is that, well, NFT
Speaker:stands for non fungible token, which means a unique token,
Speaker:a special token, right? It's, it's pretty much one of
Speaker:a kind, right? Non fungible means you can't
Speaker:interchange it. So the
Speaker:simplest way to think about an NFT is that it is
Speaker:a token, right? We've already said it's special and unique. So it's a
Speaker:token that shows
Speaker:ownership of something or another way to say that is,
Speaker:it's a token that authenticates
Speaker:ownership. And the reason why this is so important is
Speaker:because it takes away all of the hype
Speaker:and it allows you to understand exactly what it does.
Speaker:So, for example, in the future, let's say an individual
Speaker:buys a ticket to a Beyonce concert, right?
Speaker:Well, those tickets can be issued as nfts.
Speaker:Why? Because individuals can be given or sent
Speaker:special tokens to their phone, and because that token is unique
Speaker:to them, right. If they show up to the concert
Speaker:with that NFT, we know that, okay. Yes,
Speaker:you're able to attend, right. It's a unique token, and
Speaker:it authenticates that you are the owner of that ticket.
Speaker:So in the real world right now, the way we
Speaker:authenticate ownership is via paperwork.
Speaker:If you go buy a car, you have to fill out documents
Speaker:at a dealership. If you buy a house, you have to fill out
Speaker:documents, a deed, all of these things. So,
Speaker:pretty much paperwork kept at, you know, some kind of
Speaker:company in a database authenticates ownership.
Speaker:Nfts allow you to authenticate ownership
Speaker:using the blockchain, because all of that data is
Speaker:stored on the blockchain, which
Speaker:is globally accessible to everyone. So another way
Speaker:of saying that is that you can authenticate who owns
Speaker:something, and that information is available for
Speaker:everyone to see. And it's a powerful
Speaker:concept, because all of a sudden, when
Speaker:you own something, let's say you own a token that
Speaker:represents a picture, right?
Speaker:Now, that token can also represent a house, it can represent
Speaker:a car that you just purchased. It's just that that is so far in the
Speaker:future, it's not happening right now. But it's a much better way
Speaker:to authenticate ownership. When you own that thing, it
Speaker:means that you have the power to be able to sell
Speaker:it because you own the token, right? So then
Speaker:I want individuals to think about NFTs as a way
Speaker:to authenticate ownership. In terms of how to buy
Speaker:nfTs, an individual will need to educate themselves pretty
Speaker:much about how things work in their crypto ecosystem. They'll need to know
Speaker:about metamask, which is a wallet. They'll need to know about Opensea.
Speaker:I kind of teach about all of these things.
Speaker:But going back to that example
Speaker:of images of monkeys selling for hundreds of
Speaker:thousands of dollars, you might ask, why is
Speaker:it that it was worth hundreds of thousands? And the simple answer is,
Speaker:because other people were willing to buy it from
Speaker:you for that price. It became kind of like the cool thing.
Speaker:It's almost like it was a status symbol. And if you ask me
Speaker:why, I have no idea. It was one of
Speaker:the first NFts that were created. So it's like if you have it,
Speaker:it proves that you are an OG. Like you were in
Speaker:this ecosystem very early and
Speaker:for some reason people were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for
Speaker:it. So I was looking at all of this going on and I said
Speaker:to myself, no, no, no. There has to be a better use of this
Speaker:technology. And that's where the idea of the royals came to me.
Speaker:And it was, I want to
Speaker:create an NFT that
Speaker:represented african culture. As you can
Speaker:imagine, there wasn't any representation of
Speaker:us in this kind of a crypto
Speaker:ecosystem. A lot of the things out there didn't represent kind
Speaker:of minorities or
Speaker:Africans or different cultures. So I just
Speaker:wanted to make sure that similar to how the
Speaker:Internet took off back in the day, and you didn't really
Speaker:have a lot of individuals in our communities
Speaker:participating in building the Internet. When Google and Facebook
Speaker:and all of these companies, Amazon's, were being created, PayPal's, you
Speaker:didn't see us represented. So I just wanted to make sure that
Speaker:we were represented or we are
Speaker:represented. And that's what led me to create the royals. So the royals is
Speaker:the first NFT to showcase
Speaker:Africa's royal culture. And every single
Speaker:token holder, right, had an
Speaker:invitation. When we launched that year,
Speaker:2022, they had an invitation to
Speaker:actually visit Ghana and their
Speaker:token allowed them to have a one week experience in
Speaker:Ghana leading up to what we call the royal
Speaker:gala. So, yeah, we had almost 300
Speaker:to 400 royals join us for our royal
Speaker:gala in:Speaker:blast this year. We're going to be going back in
Speaker:March. And the individuals who had
Speaker:the NFTs, depending on the type of NFTs that they
Speaker:had, you either get a discount on this year's
Speaker:trip or you can actually attend the royal gala for
Speaker:free this year. So we're looking forward to continue
Speaker:to use this NFT as a way for individuals
Speaker:to experience the african continent
Speaker:and hopefully in the future, even beyond Africa.
Speaker:Yes, yes. And y'all, he is not telling a lie.
Speaker:I saw all the stories and the videos and
Speaker:the pictures. I had some serious FOMo because I knew a few people
Speaker:that went as well and they said they had a blast. So I'm looking forward
Speaker:to the next one so I can participate. But I
Speaker:love how you took the NFT concept and
Speaker:moved it to more of experiences versus just a
Speaker:picture of a monkey or, you know, I see the penguins all the time, or
Speaker:pictures of penguins. It's more of something that
Speaker:people will have a lifetime memory of doing this
Speaker:thing. And it was well worth it. You know what I'm saying? Yes,
Speaker:yes. I like to say we, we
Speaker:created a royal family on the blockchain, right?
Speaker:One that it brings us together and we have experiences.
Speaker:And I wanted to also create something that when some, like before
Speaker:a person purchases it, they can kind of almost determine the
Speaker:value. Right. Because we had two
Speaker:nfts, the Ankara NFT,
Speaker:which there were about:Speaker:$200. So imagine you pay dollar 200 and you
Speaker:get to experience like a full week
Speaker:in Africa. Mind blowing,
Speaker:right? Absolutely. And we had the kinte
Speaker:NFT, which, you know, kinte fabric is
Speaker:like the official royal fabric in Ghana. Like,
Speaker:you only wear kinte when you're going to, like a wedding or like a
Speaker:very prominent event. Right? So the kinte NFT,
Speaker:that was a $2,000 price point. But
Speaker:the kind of benefits or perks that come with that kinti
Speaker:NFT is an individual who has the kinty. And we
Speaker:only created 200 kinte nfTs.
Speaker:With the kinti NFT, you can visit any
Speaker:of our future royal galas completely for free.
Speaker:So it's just before an
Speaker:individual purchased that NFT like this, we wanted to create
Speaker:something that allows individuals to be able to kind of
Speaker:know the value and also have
Speaker:a digital asset that represents them, especially
Speaker:for us. Right. We
Speaker:need, we wanted to focus on retelling our story,
Speaker:right. As, you know, an immigrant, and I know
Speaker:there are other cultures, but for blacks, Africans,
Speaker:African Americans, it's like other people are telling our story, but
Speaker:we know our story. We are from
Speaker:a royal background. We are royalty. And I just wanted to put
Speaker:that as the forward facing message
Speaker:in this ecosystem. So I continue to believe that
Speaker:in the future, right, over the next two to
Speaker:three years, I'm confident Apple or
Speaker:Google will make access to NFTs
Speaker:in their smartphone devices and it will make it even simpler to
Speaker:buy and sell. And once that
Speaker:happens, I believe individuals will look back at,
Speaker:oh, what was the OG
Speaker:project, right, that represented
Speaker:african culture? And I honestly believe royals would be one that they look
Speaker:back at and say, wow, it's this. I
Speaker:could absolutely see that myself as well.
Speaker:And one thing I just wanted to, you hear me stumbling over my words because
Speaker:I'm over here, I want to get to this question, which is, you mean
Speaker:to tell me $2,000.01 time, or is this like
Speaker:a recurring or one. Time the kinty
Speaker:nfts one time, $2,000 purchase? Yeah.
Speaker:Wow. And then you have access to all of the royals trips
Speaker:going forward. So what it sounds like to me and how I'm kind
Speaker:of formulating
Speaker:this in my mind to kind of make it to something that I do know.
Speaker:Right. Yeah. It's like a membership. Kind of. Exactly.
Speaker:So, like you can get in at this price. It may go up later
Speaker:on, but you're still grandfathered in and it's
Speaker:only a one time charge. And then, you know, later on
Speaker:maybe the price increases, whatever, but you are still
Speaker:in because you bought that membership at that time.
Speaker:100%. But it even gets better. To
Speaker:remain a member, you need to have and own the token.
Speaker:Right. So let's say you had plans to sell one. Let's say you had
Speaker:plans to remain as a member, but
Speaker:you purchased two or three nfts. And it could
Speaker:either be Ankara or Kinte. It doesn't really matter. Right.
Speaker:Because you are saying to yourself, I feel like others might want
Speaker:to be members in the future. Right. So then let's say you bought three
Speaker:nfts in the future.
Speaker:You are the only individual that can determine what
Speaker:price you are willing to take for those tokens or those
Speaker:membership spots. Does that make sense? Yes. Yes.
Speaker:So kind of like,
Speaker:for instance, like in the stock market, there's only a certain amount of
Speaker:stocks out there. The reason you can buy them is because people are selling them.
Speaker:And so with this, you're like, okay, our limit is
Speaker:200. Whoever gets it, gets it. And then later
Speaker:on they'll just have to purchase from the people that already bought it.
Speaker:Exactly. Exactly. Got it. Oh,
Speaker:interesting. Okay. Well, I hope there's some of the some
Speaker:left because, you know,
Speaker:also what I'm equating it to and not saying that this is what's gonna happen,
Speaker:but you know how people buy up tickets and then they start scalping them, you
Speaker:know, outside because they can sell it for more.
Speaker:Exactly. And I would honestly compare NFTs to
Speaker:tickets, honestly versus
Speaker:stocks. And the reason is because
Speaker:when you are buying, let's say, a ticket, you know that you're going for an
Speaker:experience. But imagine you buy a ticket that gives
Speaker:you lifetime access to that type of
Speaker:event. So the question is, if you had the opportunity to buy, would
Speaker:you buy just one or would you buy several because
Speaker:you know that others might want it from you. Does that make
Speaker:sense? So, yeah, it
Speaker:provides that opportunity.
Speaker:But you also want to own an
Speaker:NFT where you believe that the individuals that
Speaker:issued it are going to stay true to their word. Right.
Speaker:Because if they, you know, if it just,
Speaker:they don't host any other events, it just disappears. Which
Speaker:unfortunately happened to about 95%
Speaker:of NFT projects. Then you are left
Speaker:holding something that's worthless because no one else would be interested
Speaker:in it. That is a good point. And that was something I
Speaker:had thought about too with these pictures and stuff.
Speaker:And even in this case, what
Speaker:is stopping someone from saying, well, you know what, I'm going to just take them
Speaker:all down or people, it won't be
Speaker:worth anything anymore. I'm glad you bought that point
Speaker:up. But I hear in this particular
Speaker:situation that as long as you make it to one,
Speaker:you at least get your money's worth. Exactly
Speaker:right. 100%. As long
Speaker:as you make it to one, you get your money's worth. Absolutely,
Speaker:absolutely. I envision royals
Speaker:honestly as cause it's a total of
Speaker:NFTs.:Speaker:Akinti I just envision it as just kind of this group of
Speaker:individuals who are,
Speaker:they appreciate, you know, african culture.
Speaker:They want the world to know that Africa or
Speaker:african culture represents royalty and they also love to travel, have
Speaker:experiences, right. And the
Speaker:goal honestly is to continue to offer these
Speaker:experiences and with the Ankara NFTs
Speaker:provide incredible discounts. Like so for example, this year an
Speaker:Ankara NFT would get you anywhere between five
Speaker:hundred dollars to one thousand dollars off of our
Speaker:packages. And the packages include like you
Speaker:wanted hotel stays and things of that nature.
Speaker:So if you can imagine, you bought the NFT for $200 you're getting
Speaker:$500 to $1,000 off of a travel
Speaker:package. That's amazing. The kinty NFT, once you have it, you
Speaker:can attend the royal gala and any royal gala that we have in the future
Speaker:without having to pay anything for the gala. But once again, if you
Speaker:wanted like hotel stays and things of that nature,
Speaker:kinte members get even a higher discounted
Speaker:rate off of those reservations.
Speaker:Gotcha, gotcha. Well, this was enlightening for me and I'm glad
Speaker:that you put it in terms where I could understand and
Speaker:therefore my audience can as well. And so I have a better understanding. I can
Speaker:leave this conversation and say, I know what nfts are now
Speaker:and. You'D be one of the very few,
Speaker:right? Less than 1% of
Speaker:individuals truly understand it. They view it as some kind of fad or
Speaker:like you know it. But at the end of the day, an NFT is
Speaker:just a token that authenticates or confirms that you own
Speaker:something. That's it. Gotcha, gotcha.
Speaker:So thank you so much for sharing all this information.
Speaker:And you know, we say a low percentage now,
Speaker:until they listen to this episode, I
Speaker:understand it. So make sure you all are sharing this. But thank you
Speaker:so much, Doctor Hans, for coming on the show today and teaching us
Speaker:about nfts and the importance of diversification. Now, if
Speaker:people were interested in learning more about you or the royals
Speaker:experience NFT, how could they find you?
Speaker:Yes, thank you so much for having me. I feel like more
Speaker:of this conversation will be so, so helpful because often with our community,
Speaker:we miss out on, you know, developing
Speaker:or up and coming tech
Speaker:opportunities investments. And when I say investments, I'm not
Speaker:even specifically referring to the royals. I could be referring to, like, bitcoin and
Speaker:other digital assets. So I think this dialogue is so, so, so
Speaker:important for those listening that want to connect with me.
Speaker:You can find me on Instagram,
Speaker:heinvesting tutor, and also on
Speaker:Twitter or x if
Speaker:you're on threads. I'm at the investing tutor there as well, and my
Speaker:website is theinvestingtutor.com
Speaker:dot. I'm sure the links and the information will be placed
Speaker:in the show notes, but yeah, it was just such an incredible
Speaker:conversation. Thank you. Yes, yes. Thank you for that. And I
Speaker:will definitely have this in the show notes. And y'all, I'm over here scrolling
Speaker:through the different Kente nfts available and they
Speaker:all are like different colors. And I'm like, oh, she looked cute. I want
Speaker:her, you know, that type of thing. So we, we
Speaker:put a lot of thought in that, right? We're like, what, what do our
Speaker:people care about? We're like, we want to look good, you
Speaker:know? So we had different outfits and different
Speaker:expressions. It is something that I just
Speaker:believe is going to represent us so, so, so well
Speaker:in, in this digital ecosystem. And
Speaker:yeah, thank you so much for having us discuss it.
Speaker:Yes, I love it. I love it. Well, I hope you have a wonderful rest
Speaker:of your day. You as well. Bye. Thank
Speaker:you for listening, joining and being a part of the money talk with TIFF podcast
Speaker:this week. You can check Tiff out every Thursday for a new Money
Speaker:talk podcast. But if you just can't wait until next week, you can
Speaker:listen to previous podcast
Speaker:episodes@moneytalkwitht.com or
Speaker:follow TIFf on all social media platforms at Moneytalk
Speaker:with T. Until next time, spend wise by
Speaker:spending less than you make a word to the money wise is always