Tiffany’s Take: 32 Ways To Make Progress – Part 2 | Ep. 306
In this episode of Money Talk with Tiff, Tiffany Grant continues her insightful breakdown of “32 Ways to Make Progress.” In this continuation from the previous episode, Tiffany covers the remaining strategies, such as tracking finances, building a personal brand, embracing failure as a means of growth, and the importance of interaction and lifelong learning.
She also delves into the significance of investing in oneself, the value of meditation, and the impact of having a mentor. Tiffany empowers listeners to think big, be productive, and spend wisely, emphasizing the importance of education and ambition. Finally, she urges everyone to take action and “just start now.”
This comprehensive list encapsulates how Tiffany herself lives and breathes progress in every aspect of her life. Tune in for practical advice and inspiration on your journey towards financial and personal success.
Go back to listen to Tiffany’s Take: 32 Ways To Make Progress – Part 1
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[00:00] Tiffany's Take podcast: Answering questions, making progress.
[05:31] Invest in yourself, others, and progress. Journaling.
[08:26] Get a mentor, it's super helpful.
[12:12] Maximize productivity by doing 1% extra daily.
[13:09] “Spending wisely by aligning with personal goals.”
[16:47] “Strive for progress in daily self-improvement.”
Additional Links & Resources
- Building A Successful Brand With Jasmine Beard | Ep. 95
- Boost Your Career With Personal Branding: What You Need To Know! | Ep. 241
- Building Your Brand With Tracy Lamourie | Ep. 142
- Coursera
- Acorns Investing
- Increase Your Corporate IQ With Tangil Johnson | Ep. 269
Copyright 2024 Tiffany Grant
You know what it is. That's right. It's time to talk money with your
Speaker:money nerd and financial coach. Now, tighten those purse
Speaker:strings and open those ears. It's the money talk with TIFF
Speaker:podcast. Hey, hey, and
Speaker:welcome to another episode of Tiffany's Take, where I answer your
Speaker:questions right here on the podcast. So if you would like your question answered or
Speaker:you want to suggest a topic, go to dotmoneytalkwitht
Speaker:comaxtiffany. So this is actually
Speaker:a continuation from last Tuesday where I started going over
Speaker:the list of 32 ways to make progress that I found on social media.
Speaker:I did the first 16 in that episode, so if you didn't
Speaker:catch that, definitely go back and listen. So this
Speaker:episode, I'll go over the last 16 ways
Speaker:to make progress to quickly recap. Number one was
Speaker:wake up early. Two, read daily. Three, eat well.
Speaker:Four, love yourself. Five, judge less. Six, be
Speaker:yourself. Seven, set goals. Eight, plan your day.
Speaker:Nine, positive attitude. Ten, have purpose. Eleven,
Speaker:find inspiration. Twelve, help others. 13, build
Speaker:network. 14, save money. 15, automate.
Speaker:16, delegate. Now, in the last episode, I added
Speaker:some color to each of those where I talked about different tools and tricks
Speaker:that I use in order to stick to a lot of those. So definitely check
Speaker:out that episode. I'll link it in the show notes, but let's go ahead and
Speaker:continue our conversation. So number 17, track
Speaker:your finances. Now, you all know this speaks directly
Speaker:to my audience and to me. Make sure that you are
Speaker:tracking your finances, because that is the only way to make progress with your
Speaker:money in whatever way you would like to, whether it's saving more,
Speaker:investing more, spending more, whatever it is you need
Speaker:to track what's going on. So I use ynab for this.
Speaker:You need a budget. I'll make sure I'll have a link in the show notes
Speaker:for that. But that is my go to budgeting app at the moment.
Speaker:I have also used every dollar. I have also used
Speaker:a myriad of different things. Spreadsheets, pen and paper,
Speaker:the envelope method, whatever. Just make sure that you're
Speaker:tracking your finances. Number 18, build a
Speaker:brand. Now, for those listening, you're probably like, but I don't
Speaker:have a business, and I don't want a business. But I'm not even talking about
Speaker:business per se. Building your personal brand is
Speaker:super important. And so how would you do that?
Speaker:Think about who you associate with. Think about what's out
Speaker:there on the Internet, about you. So Google
Speaker:yourself. See what brand you have already out there. Another
Speaker:thing that I do is I'll ask people that have known me for a while.
Speaker:How do you see me? What would you say are
Speaker:my top three qualities or whatever? Then you can kind of see
Speaker:what your brand is. Number 19, fail fast. You
Speaker:all know I talk about failing all the time. I don't look at it as
Speaker:failing. I look at it at it as learning
Speaker:lessons that could then propel me to go forward.
Speaker:So fail early and fail often is one of the mottos that I live
Speaker:by. If you want to do something, go ahead and do
Speaker:it. Don't sit there and go into analysis paralysis about, oh, what
Speaker:if this doesn't come out well? What if this have what if people don't want
Speaker:what if? Blah, blah, blah. What if, what if, what if you'll. What if yourself
Speaker:to death? And so make sure you fail fast, fail
Speaker:early, fail often. Get it out there, and then you can tweak as you go.
Speaker:20. Interact. Make sure you're interacting with people
Speaker:and introverts. I understand you don't really like interacting with
Speaker:people. It fills your cup to the brim really
Speaker:quickly. But just make sure you're having some interaction
Speaker:with people. It can really help you make progress. Because sometimes
Speaker:you never know. If you have just a conversation with someone,
Speaker:they're like, oh, I know how to help you with that. Or, oh, I know
Speaker:someone that can help you. Whatever. You don't know unless you interact.
Speaker:And interaction could be just sending a quick text message
Speaker:saying hey. Or a quick phone call. Dm,
Speaker:whatever. Just try to interact with people every so
Speaker:often. 21. Learn skills.
Speaker:I am a lifelong learner. I love learning,
Speaker:and that is one thing that
Speaker:I feel has helped me in both my
Speaker:career and now as a business owner. I love learning new
Speaker:skills. I was even thinking the other day, and y'all don't laugh at
Speaker:me, but I was like, oh, I would love to go
Speaker:back to school. I know you probably think again, Tiffany, but to
Speaker:learn a like, I would love to learn.
Speaker:For instance, my daughter's dad is currently in school going for
Speaker:plumbing. And when he's talking to me about the different things that he's learned in
Speaker:class, I'm like, oh, that actually sounds interesting. So just
Speaker:doing something completely different than what I'm used to,
Speaker:but learning that new skill, will I use it later on? Who
Speaker:knows? Will it be worth it? Who knows? But just
Speaker:adding different skill sets to my tool belt is extremely
Speaker:helpful. Not too long ago, I took up violin lessons. Something
Speaker:completely different. Never picked up a string instrument a day in my life. But
Speaker:I said, you know what? Let me try to learn the violin. Now
Speaker:I realize it is not my thing, but I wouldn't have
Speaker:realized that if I didn't try it. So always try new things and learn
Speaker:new skills. 22. Invest. And not just
Speaker:invest your money, which of course you need to do as well. But invest in
Speaker:yourself, invest in others. Like, invest can
Speaker:mean so many different things, but make sure that you're
Speaker:investing in all of those things because that will
Speaker:help you make progress towards whatever goals you
Speaker:have. 23 journal now this is something
Speaker:that I've been doing on and off for a long, long time.
Speaker:And I just posted a social media post a couple
Speaker:of weeks ago, or last week, whenever, with a journal entry
Speaker:that I had from last year. Right? And one
Speaker:way that I like to journal is I'll just take a notebook,
Speaker:I'll google a prompt, write down the prompt,
Speaker:and then I'll give myself a couple of minutes. I put on a
Speaker:timer to respond to that prompt, and I do that
Speaker:because that allows me to write down what is top of mind, not to
Speaker:overthink what I'm writing down, and therefore it comes out more
Speaker:authentic. And so I highly recommend that technique.
Speaker:Also with the Apple update, if you have
Speaker:an iPhone, they have a new journal app. Highly recommend
Speaker:checking that out. It's super cool. It actually pays
Speaker:attention to what pictures you take and where
Speaker:you are and things like that. And then it'll give you prompts based on those
Speaker:things, which is a little creepy when you think about it, but it's so cool
Speaker:when you're wanting to journal. So it'll say, oh, you had a conversation with this
Speaker:person. Do you want to write about that? Do you want to write about how
Speaker:you feel or what you talked about? Whatever. And so it's really
Speaker:helpful with those journal prompts because I usually struggle with what do I
Speaker:write about and then get stuck on that and then never do it. So with
Speaker:that journal app, it really helps. Number 24, meditate.
Speaker:Now, this is something that I have scheduled on my calendar every single
Speaker:morning. So we talked about making sure you're planning out your
Speaker:day in the last episode. But meditation
Speaker:is super helpful, and meditation can look like many different
Speaker:things. I usually use the peloton app to
Speaker:do those meditations, but you can also
Speaker:reading your Bible or reading whatever religious
Speaker:belief you have, reading that book, Quran, whatever it
Speaker:is. That can be a form of meditation. Praying could be a
Speaker:form of meditation. There's so many different ways you can meditate, just sitting
Speaker:still and calming your mind. Is this form of meditation?
Speaker:You don't have to have a formal someone
Speaker:telling you, oh, breathe in and breathe out. You don't need that.
Speaker:If you can just sit and say, okay, I'm going to be still for
Speaker:just five minutes. That is a form of meditation,
Speaker:so don't overthink what meditation is.
Speaker:Just do. And it is super helpful with
Speaker:clearing your mind and making you have a productive day. I usually do
Speaker:it in the morning. Sometimes I'll do it in the evening if I feel myself
Speaker:getting overwhelmed as well. So just play it by ear.
Speaker:Number 25, get a mentor, y'all. I've talked about
Speaker:mentors on this podcast a few times, but
Speaker:mentorship is super helpful for you
Speaker:at whatever stage you are in your life. I
Speaker:have been utilizing mentors since I have first graduated
Speaker:from college and it has been super helpful.
Speaker:So highly recommend getting a mentor and only you can
Speaker:determine what that mentor, who that mentor is or what that mentor looks
Speaker:like to you. It could be someone to mentor you in
Speaker:life, to mentor you in relationship, to mentor you
Speaker:in career, in business, whatever it is. But I
Speaker:highly suggest having a mentor, at least one, you can always have
Speaker:multiple, but at least one mentor in your life that can help
Speaker:you. Number 26, think big.
Speaker:Now, this is one thing that I do struggle with at times.
Speaker:Sometimes I'm like, tiffany, you think way too small. You need to think
Speaker:bigger. So thinking
Speaker:big is super helpful because you
Speaker:have this big, huge goal that you're trying to work
Speaker:towards. And at the moment it may seem like, oh, I'll never get
Speaker:this or, oh, this is something that won't come anytime
Speaker:soon. But you'll be surprised once you write that thing down, how
Speaker:fast you can get to it, because then you are living your life
Speaker:intentionally. You are working towards that goal at
Speaker:all times. And once you do that, it's going to be really
Speaker:hard not to get there. Imagine working on something
Speaker:every day for years. It's going to be really hard not to get
Speaker:to whatever that thing is. When I first started the podcast,
Speaker:I was like, oh, as long as one or two people listen and there's
Speaker:been episodes where nobody listened when they first came out,
Speaker:right. But I never would have thought that it would get
Speaker:to the point where it is now, where I'm getting thousands and
Speaker:thousands of downloads every month and
Speaker:each episode is getting hundreds of listens. I would have
Speaker:never thought that it would get that far. But when I started, I
Speaker:said, you know what, I just want to have this podcast.
Speaker:And as I continued in it, I started thinking bigger
Speaker:and bigger and bigger, and lo and behold, it started
Speaker:happening. So always think big. About whatever it is you have
Speaker:going on. 27, be productive. Now,
Speaker:being productive is relative because it depends on whatever your
Speaker:goals are. So I'm not going to say, oh, don't scroll social
Speaker:and all that stuff, because what if, like, for instance, in my case, social is
Speaker:part of my business, and so scrolling social is actually being
Speaker:productive at times. Now, I'm not going to lie. There are times
Speaker:where it's not productive and I'm doing a little too much scrolling.
Speaker:And so that's why I say, use your discretion when I say be
Speaker:productive, because it could look like different things for different people.
Speaker:But you know what your productivity looks like, and you know the
Speaker:areas where you can be a little more productive. So just
Speaker:make an effort to be a little more productive. Let's say
Speaker:if social media or if Netflix is one of
Speaker:the things that throws you off from your goals, then set a
Speaker:timer, set a limit, and even if you
Speaker:cut down, like, let's say, 30 minutes, an hour or whatever, that's 30
Speaker:minutes to an hour that you can put towards something a little more productive.
Speaker:So be creative in the different ways you do that. But number
Speaker:27 was be productive. 28, do more.
Speaker:So that kind of falls in line with be productive. Because if
Speaker:you're being productive, then you're cutting out the unproductive
Speaker:task and you're doing more. So do
Speaker:more. And even just, I tell my clients and colleagues
Speaker:all the time, just 1% extra every day and you'll
Speaker:get to that goal. So even if right now you're
Speaker:only saving, let's say, 1% of your income,
Speaker:then if you add an extra 1%, you're at two.
Speaker:If you add another 1%, you're at three, so on and so forth until
Speaker:you get to maybe a 10% savings goal or whatever,
Speaker:but you can always just do a little bit more. This
Speaker:morning, I decided I wanted to record
Speaker:podcast episodes, and at first I was only going to do one, but then I
Speaker:ended up doing, like, three or four. So there's
Speaker:always little instances throughout the day where you can do more. So be
Speaker:cognizant of when those times are, and then just do a little
Speaker:extra. 29. Spend wisely. Now, you all hear
Speaker:me say this on the podcast all the time. My intro and outro guy says
Speaker:it, spend wisely by spending less than you make,
Speaker:okay? So make sure that whatever it is you're
Speaker:spending on contributes to a goal, contributes to
Speaker:your well being, contributes to something, in my
Speaker:opinion, that is spending wisely. So it doesn't necessarily
Speaker:mean, oh, I need to spend less on clothes or I
Speaker:need to cut out this thing that I really, really enjoy. No, it just
Speaker:means, okay, if we're going to spend money on clothes,
Speaker:what goal is that getting us to? Is it a self care
Speaker:goal? Is it a love yourself goal? Make
Speaker:yourself feel better goal. And if it's out of control,
Speaker:then don't just cut it out completely. Maybe just cut it
Speaker:back some so that way you can still get
Speaker:towards whatever the goal is. Because you have to realize
Speaker:financial goals are only one type of goal. There
Speaker:are many other goals that you also need in your life as well.
Speaker:So you have to find that balance of where can my
Speaker:financial goals, my personal goals, my health goals, my
Speaker:spiritual goals, all of these different goals can
Speaker:all live in unison. And that is
Speaker:when you are the most happy. Number 30,
Speaker:educate yourself. So I kind of discussed this a little
Speaker:earlier and learned skills, but educating yourself is
Speaker:so important. And that's why you're here on the podcast, right? You're educating
Speaker:yourself every time I release an episode, you're educating yourself.
Speaker:Every time you have a conversation about money with someone
Speaker:else. You're educating yourself. Every time you
Speaker:read a blog post, you're educating yourself every time you go to
Speaker:Google something, right? You're educating yourself. So continuously
Speaker:do that and you'll learn things that you've never learned before and then
Speaker:also be able to teach other people. 31.
Speaker:Have ambition. Now that is very relative.
Speaker:Everybody is ambitious about different things.
Speaker:But I will say, if you have
Speaker:some motivation, either whether it be
Speaker:intrinsic or extrinsic, and when I say intrinsic, that means
Speaker:motivation that comes from within. When I say extrinsic, that means
Speaker:motivation that comes from outside sources. Regardless
Speaker:of what it is, make sure you know what that
Speaker:motivation is. Make sure you know what you're ambitious
Speaker:about. And then make sure that you keep
Speaker:that ambition going by dialing into what
Speaker:those motivations are. So does that make sense? Your
Speaker:motivations lead your ambition.
Speaker:And so if you ever get low on ambition, you can always
Speaker:fall back on, okay, what is that motivation that's keeping me
Speaker:ambitious? So I hope that made sense. I hope that didn't go over your
Speaker:head, but I tried to break it down
Speaker:as simply as possible. And then the last but not
Speaker:least, number 32, just start
Speaker:now. You know that is a rule that I live by.
Speaker:Just do it. Y'all act like Nike. Just do it. Just
Speaker:start now. Whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, just start now.
Speaker:After I finish this episode, remember I talked about in the last episode,
Speaker:eating well, I'm going to go see what I can whip up healthy after
Speaker:this episode. I'm going to go do some workout little body
Speaker:movement after this episode because I just need to start
Speaker:now. So I'm not only talking to you, talking to myself
Speaker:as well. These 32 ways to make progress I feel
Speaker:like it's a really comprehensive list and
Speaker:it is mostly how I live my life and I am
Speaker:always making progress on a daily basis. I tell people even when
Speaker:I'm taking a nap, even when I'm practicing self care, I am
Speaker:making progress you all because that goes towards a
Speaker:goal. Whether it's a goal for self care, whether it's a
Speaker:goal of getting more sleep. I actually have a sleep
Speaker:tracker where I keep track of my sleep debt as well. Everything
Speaker:I do is working towards a goal. So keep that in
Speaker:mind and hopefully this list of 32 ways to
Speaker:make progress was helpful for you. So if you enjoyed this
Speaker:content, let me know that you enjoyed it and then I'll make more like it.
Speaker:So go to www. Dot moneytalkwitht
Speaker:comaxtiffany and I will be more than
Speaker:happy to oblige. But until next
Speaker:time, make sure you're rating, reviewing and subscribing
Speaker:wherever you're listening. It helps other people find us
Speaker:and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Bye.
Speaker:Thank you for listening, joining and being a part of the Money talk with TIFF
Speaker:podcast this week. You can check TifF out every Thursday for a new
Speaker:Money talk podcast, but if you just can't wait until next week, you
Speaker:can listen to previous podcast
Speaker:or follow tiff on all social media platforms. Us at money
Speaker:talk with t until next time, spend wise by
Speaker:spending less than you make a word to the money wise is always