The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Utilizing Your 401K | Ep. 292
Ready to dive into the confusing world of 401Ks? Join Tiffany Grant in this must-listen podcast episode as she shares her conversation with a phlebotomist who sparked the topic.
Tiffany discusses why 401Ks are essential to your total rewards package and how to utilize employer-matching contributions to build retirement savings. She decodes the tricky language of 401Ks, clears up misconceptions about vesting schedules, and offers valuable advice on whether to roll over your 401K or leave it with your previous employer.
Don't miss out on this informative and eye-opening discussion to help you make the best decisions for your financial future!
Every Tuesday, Tiffany answers one of your submitted questions. To submit a question for an upcoming episode, visit
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- Retirement Planning Articles
- Investing In Employee Benefits: How Employee Benefits Packages Boost Performance And Morale
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- Capitalize – 401(k) Rollovers Made Easy
Copyright 2023 Money Talk With Tiff
Intro/Outro: You know what it is. That's right. It's time to talk
Speaker:money with your money nerd and financial coach.
Speaker:Now tighten those purse strings and open those ears.
Speaker:It's the money talk with Tiff. podcast.
Tiffany Grant:Hey, hey. And welcome to another episode of Tiffany's take,
Tiffany Grant:where I answer your questions right here on the
Tiffany Grant:podcast. Now, if you want your question answered, just go
Tiffany Grant:to
Tiffany Grant:Tiffany, and I will be more than happy
Tiffany Grant:to answer for you. Also on the website, I have a
Tiffany Grant:lot more information. So I have a whole bunch
Tiffany Grant:of blog articles and things, and especially on the
Tiffany Grant:topic that I plan on talking about today. So, first
Tiffany Grant:and foremost, let me just say, y'all, I apologize for
Tiffany Grant:last Tuesday's episode. It sounded
Tiffany Grant:horrible, and I realized after the fact
Tiffany Grant:that I didn't have my good mic on. So hopefully this
Tiffany Grant:week sounds better. But I felt so bad that your
Tiffany Grant:listening experience wasn't optimal last week,
Tiffany Grant:so I apologize for that, but let's go ahead and
Tiffany Grant:hop in. So, this morning, I actually had a
Tiffany Grant:doctor's appointment. And as I was
Tiffany Grant:sitting in the chair, I'm recording this on
Tiffany Grant:Monday, to get my blood drawn,
Tiffany Grant:the phlebotomist asked me, what do you do for a
Tiffany Grant:living? So, of course, when I said, oh, I do financial
Tiffany Grant:counseling, everybody always hits me with their money
Tiffany Grant:questions, right? So he
Tiffany Grant:started asking me as he was drawing my blood, and you're probably like,
Tiffany Grant:well, Tiffany, it doesn't take long to draw your blood. They had to
Tiffany Grant:draw, like, 15 vials. I kid you not. It was a
Tiffany Grant:lot, because they're trying to figure out what's going on. But
Tiffany Grant:anyway, as he was drawing my blood,
Tiffany Grant:he was like, well, Tiffany, what do you think about
Tiffany Grant:401 ks? And so I thought that this would
Tiffany Grant:be a great conversation to have on the podcast, because
Tiffany Grant:as I was telling him some information
Tiffany Grant:about his specific situation, he was just
Tiffany Grant:like, okay. So I figured it was good
Tiffany Grant:information. So, anyway, let's get right into it. When
Tiffany Grant:you are thinking about your four hundred and one k at your
Tiffany Grant:job, first of all, keep in
Tiffany Grant:mind that any of your
Tiffany Grant:employee benefits are included in your total
Tiffany Grant:rewards, what we in HR call total
Tiffany Grant:rewards. So that means that is your entire
Tiffany Grant:benefits package. So your total rewards
Tiffany Grant:encompasses your salary. It, also
Tiffany Grant:encompasses all of the benefits that you get
Tiffany Grant:as an employee of that company.
Tiffany Grant:So if you don't take advantage of benefits,
Tiffany Grant:then you're kind of leaving part of your
Tiffany Grant:compensation package on the table. So that's one way
Tiffany Grant:to look at it. The other way is if you
Tiffany Grant:have a 401K available at your job
Tiffany Grant:if your company matches,
Tiffany Grant:there's some circumstances where maybe you
Tiffany Grant:really can't afford to, but most
Tiffany Grant:of the time, you want to take advantage
Tiffany Grant:of that benefit up to the match. Okay,
Tiffany Grant:so that's what I was explaining to the guy. I was like,
Tiffany Grant:definitely invest in your four hundred and one k. A lot of
Tiffany Grant:the people that I know that are millionaires
Tiffany Grant:got there from their 401,
Tiffany Grant:honestly. and when you
Tiffany Grant:read about the millionaires next door,
Tiffany Grant:a lot of times they gain their riches
Tiffany Grant:from 401 or iras or just
Tiffany Grant:investing for the long haul. So 401K is a
Tiffany Grant:great way to get into the market, and do
Tiffany Grant:so with a pretty low barrier to entry.
Tiffany Grant:Right. you can get
Tiffany Grant:your deductions, and so they just take it automatically
Tiffany Grant:out your check. You don't have to really think any extra about
Tiffany Grant:it. Just put your money in there, invest
Tiffany Grant:it, and it does its thing. So I always recommend,
Tiffany Grant:if people are wanting to get started in investing in the
Tiffany Grant:market, to go ahead and start with their
Tiffany Grant:401K, right. And up to the match.
Tiffany Grant:So if your company does a match, the match
Tiffany Grant:works in a few different ways. And this is what I was
Tiffany Grant:explaining to him as well, because he was kind of confused about
Tiffany Grant:how matches work and all that
Tiffany Grant:stuff. So usually you'll
Tiffany Grant:hear, and I'll just throw an, example
Tiffany Grant:one out there, we'll match
Tiffany Grant:50%, up to
Tiffany Grant:6% of your
Tiffany Grant:income. Okay, so what does that
Tiffany Grant:mean? That means that they will
Tiffany Grant:match 50 cent on every
Tiffany Grant:dollar that you put in,
Tiffany Grant:but only up to
Tiffany Grant:6% of your annual income. So like, let's
Tiffany Grant:say, for instance, and I'm, pull up my calculator here.
Tiffany Grant:Let's say that your annual
Tiffany Grant:income is, let's just use a whole number,
Tiffany Grant:$100,000, right, a year. So
Tiffany Grant:that means that up to
Tiffany Grant:$6,000, they will put in
Tiffany Grant:50% of that. So if you put
Tiffany Grant:in $6,000, they'll put in
Tiffany Grant:$3,000 for the entire year. Okay,
Tiffany Grant:so that's what that means when it says
Tiffany Grant:50% up to 6%, or sometimes you can see
Tiffany Grant:100% up to 6% or 50%
Tiffany Grant:up to 5%. That's what all of that means. It
Tiffany Grant:means that they will match the first
Tiffany Grant:percentage amount up to the second
Tiffany Grant:percentage amount, which is your annual income, a
Tiffany Grant:percentage of your annual income. So now that you know
Tiffany Grant:that, definitely look at your employee benefits and
Tiffany Grant:see where you stand, because every company is different,
Tiffany Grant:and I can't stress that enough. Don't think when you
Tiffany Grant:go and you're investing in your 401k in one
Tiffany Grant:company, that it'll be the same exact thing at the next
Tiffany Grant:company, because, honestly, I have
Tiffany Grant:never been at a company where it was exactly
Tiffany Grant:the same. Okay. and I've had quite
Tiffany Grant:a bit of jobs over the years, so definitely check over your employee
Tiffany Grant:benefits and see what you are
Tiffany Grant:offered. Now, once we get past the
Tiffany Grant:match. Right. We also have to look at the vesting
Tiffany Grant:schedule. So what is vesting? Vesting
Tiffany Grant:is when a company says, you have to be
Tiffany Grant:with us for x amount of years before
Tiffany Grant:what we put in is completely yours.
Tiffany Grant:So let's take the same example. We've put in
Tiffany Grant:6000 for the year. The company has put in
Tiffany Grant:3000 for the year. And let's say that the
Tiffany Grant:vesting schedule is
Tiffany Grant:25% by year,
Tiffany Grant:350 percent by
Tiffany Grant:year five, and then 100% by year
Tiffany Grant:six. And that's very dramatic, y'all, but I'm just
Tiffany Grant:trying to get an example out. Okay? So keep with
Tiffany Grant:me. If you leave
Tiffany Grant:the company before year three,
Tiffany Grant:then you may not get access to
Tiffany Grant:that $3,000 that they put in.
Tiffany Grant:Right. If you leave the
Tiffany Grant:company after year three, you
Tiffany Grant:get access to 25% of the
Tiffany Grant:$3,000 that they put in. Now,
Tiffany Grant:mind you, the vesting schedule does not
Tiffany Grant:affect anything that you put in. Whatever you
Tiffany Grant:put in is yours to keep, okay? This
Tiffany Grant:only affects whatever the company has put in
Tiffany Grant:on your behalf. So also, keep that in mind.
Tiffany Grant:They're not going to take your money, because that's
Tiffany Grant:another, narrative I hear out
Tiffany Grant:there, with people, typically, that want to sell you life
Tiffany Grant:insurance, but they'll say, oh, if you leave the
Tiffany Grant:company, they'll take your money. Well, really,
Tiffany Grant:honestly, if you look at the vesting schedule,
Tiffany Grant:you'll know, when you should leave
Tiffany Grant:the company, if you're planning on leaving,
Tiffany Grant:and how that would affect your
Tiffany Grant:retirement dollars. Now, they're not taking your
Tiffany Grant:money that you put in. They're taking
Tiffany Grant:their money that they put in. So it's kind of
Tiffany Grant:misleading when they say that, because it doesn't
Tiffany Grant:affect your money at all. They're not taking, let's say,
Tiffany Grant:25% of your money that you put in. It's
Tiffany Grant:only what they match. So keep that in mind, too.
Tiffany Grant:Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to
Tiffany Grant:401 is when
Tiffany Grant:you leave a company. Okay? Let's say
Tiffany Grant:you've been investing in a company. They have a
Tiffany Grant:401. When you leave a company,
Tiffany Grant:depending on m, what your income is. So
Tiffany Grant:I will say, get with a financial professional to
Tiffany Grant:discuss your options in your specific case.
Tiffany Grant:But most of the time, it's more
Tiffany Grant:beneficial to roll it over into an
Tiffany Grant:IRA versus keeping it into
Tiffany Grant:that. Reason I say that is
Tiffany Grant:because when you're at a company, like I
Tiffany Grant:said, this is part of your benefits, right? And
Tiffany Grant:so they are taking the hit on
Tiffany Grant:fees for you. So once you leave
Tiffany Grant:the company, you no longer have that benefit. So
Tiffany Grant:guess what? Your fees may go up. So that means
Tiffany Grant:a portion of your investments, a bigger
Tiffany Grant:portion of your investments go to the
Tiffany Grant:manager of the 401K, right?
Tiffany Grant:Not the manager at the company, but where they
Tiffany Grant:house the, So
Tiffany Grant:when you leave the company, your management fees may go
Tiffany Grant:up when you leave a company. Also,
Tiffany Grant:the broader market, which you could find in the
Tiffany Grant:IRA, has more options than the
Tiffany Grant:workplace. Four hundred and one k. The workplace
Tiffany Grant:401, they choose what you can
Tiffany Grant:and cannot invest in. So that's why you only
Tiffany Grant:see, typically it's, like target
Tiffany Grant:date funds or lifecycle funds, and then you
Tiffany Grant:may see a few other types of funds
Tiffany Grant:that you can sign up for, what have you. But your options
Tiffany Grant:are limited. When you go over to an
Tiffany Grant:IRA, which is an individual retirement account,
Tiffany Grant:you have access to the entire market, and so you
Tiffany Grant:can invest in whatever it is your heart desires.
Tiffany Grant:You're not limited to those options.
Tiffany Grant:Also, a lot of times, people forget about
Tiffany Grant:their 401 ks, honestly. And
Tiffany Grant:so if you leave the, your previous
Tiffany Grant:employer, it may be way down the line, and
Tiffany Grant:you're like, oh, I forgot I had a 401k over
Tiffany Grant:there. I get that all the time. where you
Tiffany Grant:forgot that you even had a there
Tiffany Grant:somewhere. And so that's why I say, most of the
Tiffany Grant:time, it's in your best interest to roll it over to a
Tiffany Grant:rollover IRa. Now, when you do that, and this could
Tiffany Grant:be a whole other episode, but I want to make sure I mention it
Tiffany Grant:here. You want to make sure that you do a direct
Tiffany Grant:transfer rollover. You do not want the type of
Tiffany Grant:rollover where they actually give you a check,
Tiffany Grant:and they count it as you cashing it out
Tiffany Grant:because that also will hurt
Tiffany Grant:you because then you'll be taxed on
Tiffany Grant:it. You'll be penalized because nine times out of ten,
Tiffany Grant:you haven't met retirement age yet. And so you
Tiffany Grant:want to make sure you request a direct transfer rollover.
Tiffany Grant:Those are the keywords. Okay. So you shouldn't get anything
Tiffany Grant:in your hand that you're not directly
Tiffany Grant:putting over into another account.
Tiffany Grant:Okay? So keep that in mind.
Tiffany Grant:So those are just some things
Tiffany Grant:about 401 ks that I wanted to get out there that I
Tiffany Grant:had the conversation about this morning, and I figured it would be helpful to
Tiffany Grant:get it out to a broader audience. If you have
Tiffany Grant:any questions about 401, I'll be more than happy to
Tiffany Grant:answer for you. Benefits are my jam, so please
Tiffany Grant:shoot those questions over if you want a little one on one help.
Tiffany Grant:I also take one on one counseling clients. And
Tiffany Grant:if you need help with rolling over 401
Tiffany Grant:ks or finding 401 ks, I have
Tiffany Grant:a resource that I'm going to put in the show notes as well
Tiffany Grant:that can help you do just that. I've had a couple of clients use
Tiffany Grant:them, and they were satisfied, with the
Tiffany Grant:ease of doing that process, and it was
Tiffany Grant:helpful for them. So I'll share that with you all as well.
Tiffany Grant:But in the meantime, in between time, I hope that cleared up some
Tiffany Grant:information about 401, and
Tiffany Grant:it is a great investment to use. Like I said,
Tiffany Grant:there's a lot of people that make their
Tiffany Grant:millions from 401. Of course,
Tiffany Grant:over time, we're talking a whole career's worth
Tiffany Grant:of putting in money, but it's
Tiffany Grant:a great benefit to have, and honestly, one that
Tiffany Grant:I truly missed with being an
Tiffany Grant:employee. as an entrepreneur, I do not have
Tiffany Grant:that luxury. There are ways that entrepreneurs
Tiffany Grant:can do that, but it's, something that I'll go over in
Tiffany Grant:another episode because this one's getting a little too long.
Tiffany Grant:But, I really miss
Tiffany Grant:that as a benefit. So if you
Tiffany Grant:do have access, please make sure that you're investing in
Tiffany Grant:your 401 up to the match. If you want to
Tiffany Grant:do anything over the match,
Tiffany Grant:you can do an IRA, you can do something
Tiffany Grant:different. It's completely up to you. Get with your financial
Tiffany Grant:professional, but that's just the route that I go. and
Tiffany Grant:this is not investment advice. This is for entertainment and
Tiffany Grant:educational purposes only. So please do not say,
Tiffany Grant:well, Tiffany said I should not
Tiffany Grant:do my IR. so
Tiffany Grant:please do not say, Tiffany said I shouldn't invest
Tiffany Grant:in my four hundred and one k past match or I should do
Tiffany Grant:an IRA. Tiffany is just telling you the options that
Tiffany Grant:are out there, okay? Everybody's
Tiffany Grant:situation is different. And, oh, speaking of, that's
Tiffany Grant:where I was going with the 401K. Leaving it at your
Tiffany Grant:employer. If you are a high earner, it's best
Tiffany Grant:if you leave it, because then you can do a backdoor
Tiffany Grant:IRA later on and I'll do another episode with that.
Tiffany Grant:But that's just a little tidbit. So if you make a lot of money,
Tiffany Grant:you might want to keep the whatever
Tiffany Grant:employer is at because it may be more beneficial.
Tiffany Grant:So that's why I say personal finance is personal,
Tiffany Grant:because it just varies by the individual
Tiffany Grant:situation. Anywho, all right, y'all, y'all have a
Tiffany Grant:wonderful rest of your day and I will see you
Tiffany Grant:next week. Bye.
Tiffany Grant:Intro/Outro: Thank you for listening, joining and being a part of the Money
Tiffany Grant:talk with TIFF podcast this week. You can check Tiff
Tiffany Grant:out every Thursday for a new Money talk podcast,
Tiffany Grant:but if you just can't wait until next week, you can listen
Tiffany Grant:to previous podcast
Tiffany Grant:or follow TIFf on all social media
Tiffany Grant:platforms at Moneytalkwith.
Tiffany Grant:Until next time, spend wise by
Tiffany Grant:spending less than you make a word to the moneywise
Tiffany Grant:is always sufficient.