Free Money Alert! How to Find and Claim Unclaimed Money | Ep. 294
In this episode, Tiffany Grant shares her wealth of knowledge on uncovering hidden funds that could be rightfully yours. From unclaimed property to undelivered refunds, she covers it all.
With Tiffany’s expert guidance, you’ll learn how to navigate official government websites, including the IRS and, and specific databases, such as the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. She also highlights credit unions as a potential source for unclaimed deposits.
But here’s the best part – Tiffany stresses that all these resources are freely accessible and that individuals can do the research themselves without paying external companies. As she says, why pay for something when you can find it yourself?
Tiffany shares her personal experience of finding an old paycheck through this process. And don’t worry about missing out on any future unclaimed funds because Tiffany recommends periodically checking for them.
As a special treat for our listeners, Tiffany has a limited-time offer for her Budget Nirvana course (regularly $297) – a program designed to help you achieve financial bliss by optimizing your budgeting skills.
So don’t wait any longer and start your journey towards finding quick money with Tiffany today!
Every Tuesday, Tiffany answers one of your submitted questions. To submit a question for an upcoming episode, visit
Connect with Tiffany
Facebook: Money Talk With Tiff
Twitter: @moneytalkwitht
Instagram: @moneytalkwitht
LinkedIn: Tiffany Grant
Additional Links & Resources
- Search for your unclaimed property (it’s free) – National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA)
- | Search for Unclaimed Property
- Refunds | Internal Revenue Service
- Home Page | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners
- Need life insurance? Reach out to Acquania Escarne
- How to find unclaimed money from the government | USAGov
- NCUA – National Credit Union Administration
- Budget Nirvana Course
- Did you find any money as a result of this episode? Get In Touch With Tiff
Copyright 2024 Money Talk With Tiff
Intro/Outro: You know what it is.
Speaker:That's right.
It's time to talk money with your money nerd and financial coach.
Speaker:Now tighten those purse strings and open those ears.
Speaker:It's the money talk with Tiff podcast.
Hey, Hey, and welcome to another episode of Tiffany's talk.
Tiffany Grant:Take where I answer your money questions right here on the podcast.
Tiffany Grant:So if you want your question answered, just go to,
Tiffany, and I'll be more than happy to answer for you.
Tiffany Grant:So for today's episode, I wanted to talk about finding unclaimed money because this
Tiffany Grant:is something that not a lot of people do.
And when I have done this in the past, I actually found some things, um, and
Tiffany Grant:also, you know, after telling other people about it, they found some things as well.
Tiffany Grant:So I wanted to do a whole episode dedicated to some resources that you can
use to find some old money that you may be entitled to that you may have forgot
Tiffany Grant:about or didn't know was out there.
Tiffany Grant:So first and foremost, let's start with the state, right?
Because anytime you have, um, a paycheck that you never got or There was a
Tiffany Grant:refund due to you from like, let's say your utility company or whatever,
Tiffany Grant:um, they have to report it to the state that this money is out there.
So typically your state would have more information on if you have
Tiffany Grant:any funds like that out there.
Tiffany Grant:So a resource that you can use is the National Association of unclaimed.
property administrators websites.
Tiffany Grant:So N a U P a, and I'll make sure I have the link in the show note.
Tiffany Grant:It's unclaimed.
org, but that is a national network collecting records from all 50 states.
Tiffany Grant:And from there, you can find links to each state's official
Tiffany Grant:unclaimed property program.
I know here in North Carolina, the process was very simple.
Tiffany Grant:I also checked New York and that was very simple as well.
Tiffany Grant:So you just go to these websites, um, for each state.
wherever you've lived before, and you just type in your name, some basic
Tiffany Grant:information, and then it pops up with records that may or may not be yours.
Tiffany Grant:So definitely check and make sure that it is your record by
checking, you know, the details.
Tiffany Grant:If you've never worked somewhere, then obviously that's probably not yours.
Tiffany Grant:It might be someone else with the same name that was in the same state.
So just check it over carefully.
Tiffany Grant:Then once you get through the process of actually getting to claim it, you do have
Tiffany Grant:to put in a little bit more information just so they can verify who you are
and then your funds are on the way.
Tiffany Grant:So I've used this before and I've done it via New York and North
Tiffany Grant:Carolina and it worked well.
Another thing to check out.
Tiffany Grant:is the IRS.
Tiffany Grant:Um, the IRS may owe you money if your refund was undelivered or unclaimed.
So if you had to get a check in the mail or if your direct deposit
Tiffany Grant:didn't go through, um, the IRS could owe you still owe you that money.
Tiffany Grant:So to find out if that applies to you, just go to the IRS's website,
where's my refund tool, and you can check the status of your refund.
Tiffany Grant:I'll make sure I put that link in the show notes as well.
Tiffany Grant:I'll put all these links in there.
Um, Another thing to look into, which I had to do with my grandma when
Tiffany Grant:she passed away, was to look into old pension and retirement plans.
Tiffany Grant:So if you left a job and forgot about your pension plan, you
might have that money waiting.
Tiffany Grant:And a company website that you can use is Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation.
Tiffany Grant:It has a searchable database for this, and so you can put in your
information, see if there's any old pension or retirement plans out there.
Tiffany Grant:This is great resource for if you have any seniors in your family,
Tiffany Grant:so like your grandparents or great grandparents, um, just to see if
they have anything out there that could be beneficial to them now.
Tiffany Grant:Life insurance policies, y'all.
Tiffany Grant:If a loved one passed away and you're the beneficiary on their
life insurance policy, That might be unclaimed money as well.
Tiffany Grant:We had to do this with my grandma too, because she had so many different
Tiffany Grant:things in so many different places.
We were like, you know what, let's just double check.
Tiffany Grant:And shout out to Aquania Escarne from the purpose of money.
Tiffany Grant:Because when my grandma passed away, um, she was very helpful in.
giving me this information because I didn't even know this exists,
Tiffany Grant:but the National Association of Insurance Commissioners has a tool
Tiffany Grant:on their website to help you look for unclaimed life insurance money.
So shout out to Aquania for that information.
Tiffany Grant:And I wanted to share it with you all to make sure that you have that as well.
Tiffany Grant:So you can go to that website.
Check out the tool that they have put in the information and you can see if you
Tiffany Grant:are a beneficiary or any life insurance policies of someone that passed away.
Tiffany Grant:Another thing you can look at is government websites.
So if you go to usa.
Tiffany Grant:gov slash unclaim money, this is a resource where you can find a list of all
Tiffany Grant:the places you could have money and a list of reputable sites where you can claim it.
So this is like a conglomerate website that has all of these
Tiffany Grant:resources that I'm mentioning.
Tiffany Grant:In this episode, plus more, um, that you can go to and see if
you have any money out there.
Tiffany Grant:I will really quick say a word of warning.
Tiffany Grant:Um, there are companies that offer to find this money for you for a fee.
Don't pay these fees.
Tiffany Grant:Um, most of the time it's scams, uh, Most, if not all of the information
Tiffany Grant:these companies use is available for free, so you can easily do this yourself.
Don't feel like you have to pay someone to do this for you.
Tiffany Grant:And honestly speaking, at least in my case, when I've done this,
Tiffany Grant:the amounts were so small, like it wouldn't have been worth paying anyone.
I think the most that I've gotten was like an old paycheck that was like a
Tiffany Grant:hundred and something dollars, right?
Tiffany Grant:So.
So don't pay anybody to do this for you.
Tiffany Grant:That's why I'm doing this website.
Tiffany Grant:You could do the research yourself and it's very simple,
easy, straight to the point.
Tiffany Grant:All right.
Tiffany Grant:All right.
So let's get back into the list.
Tiffany Grant:So another thing that you can check is credit unions.
Tiffany Grant:So if you've ever had a credit union account that you closed, you might
have unclean money so you can check.
Tiffany Grant:that at the National Credit Union Administration website, they have a
Tiffany Grant:tool to check for unclaimed deposits.
Now you might be thinking, how could this happen?
Tiffany Grant:Let's say for instance, you open a credit union account,
Tiffany Grant:you've totally forgot about it.
They administratively closed it, or maybe you closed it and
Tiffany Grant:didn't realize or wasn't able.
Tiffany Grant:To get them funds that day when you closed it, you may have
unclaimed deposits in there.
Tiffany Grant:So just check it out.
Tiffany Grant:You never know.
Um, another website is missing money.
Tiffany Grant:com.
Tiffany Grant:So this is another reputable site to check for unclaimed property.
If you check all of these other ones, they're, they pretty much pull in
Tiffany Grant:most of the same information, but that's just another resource for you.
Tiffany Grant:Then you can also check, you know, we talked about federal taxes, but
what about your state tax refunds?
Tiffany Grant:Check with your state departments of taxation, um, to see if you have
Tiffany Grant:unclaimed tax refunds at the state level.
So this is all state specific.
Tiffany Grant:Type in the Google search, North Carolina Department of Taxation or North
Tiffany Grant:Carolina Department of Revenue, and you should be able to find their website.
And then from there it should be easy to find, um, you know, where
Tiffany Grant:you can check on your tax refunds or search for any unclaimed refunds.
Tiffany Grant:So hopefully this episode was helpful for you to find some unclaimed
money that you may have outstanding.
Tiffany Grant:It is a very easy process.
Tiffany Grant:It doesn't take too long for most of these websites.
I'll be sure to have all of these links in the show notes.
Tiffany Grant:So hopefully this episode was helpful in thinking about different ways that
Tiffany Grant:you can find some extra unclaimed money that may be out there for you.
I know I've done this before in the past, like I said at the beginning, and also
Tiffany Grant:friends and loved ones have done this as well to just find extra money that.
Tiffany Grant:didn't even know existed.
In one situation, I had a check from an old employer
Tiffany Grant:that I worked at very briefly.
Tiffany Grant:I think I was only there for a few weeks or so.
And it was like 2018 when I did the search and that check was like from 2015.
Tiffany Grant:So it was something that was super old, totally forgot about it, but I was
Tiffany Grant:able to get those funds at that time.
So definitely check it out.
Tiffany Grant:Something that I do periodically just to see what's out there.
Tiffany Grant:And then also another thing to help with your finances this month, I am
offering my budget Nirvana course mastering your money flow for 97.
Tiffany Grant:Its regular price is 2.
Tiffany Grant:97, so this is an excellent opportunity to get into Budget Nirvana and then
just get some information on how to make, manage, and stick to a budget.
Tiffany Grant:made completely for you.
Tiffany Grant:Um, also with access to that, you get access to my community for free.
So definitely check that out.
Tiffany Grant:I will have a link to that in the show notes as well.
Tiffany Grant:Thank you so much for listening to the Money Talk with Tiff podcast
and this episode of Tiffany's Take.
Tiffany Grant:I truly appreciate you.
Tiffany Grant:And please make sure that you rate and review this podcast if you enjoy it.
And if it's helpful for you, it helps other people find us the
Tiffany Grant:way out of poverty is ideas.
Tiffany Grant:And I love spreading this information.
Also, I would love to hear if you find any money as a result of listening
Tiffany Grant:to this episode, you can go to.
Tiffany Grant:www.
Tiffany Grant:com forward slash contact dash us, and I'll be more than happy to hear from you.
Tiffany Grant:Um, I love hearing from my listeners and just let me know how much did you find?
Was it helpful?
Tiffany Grant:All of these different things, it would be interesting to know.
Tiffany Grant:So thank you so much for listening to the podcast and I hope you
have a wonderful rest of your day.
Tiffany Grant:Intro/Outro: Bye.
Tiffany Grant:Thank you for listening, joining, and being a part of the money
talk with TIFF podcast this week.
Tiffany Grant:You can check TIFF out every Thursday for a new money talk podcast, but
Tiffany Grant:if you just can't wait until next week, you can listen to previous
podcast episodes at moneytalkwithtea.
Tiffany Grant:com or follow TIFF on all social media platforms at moneytalkwithtea.
Tiffany Grant:Until next time, spend wise by spending less than you make.
A word to the money wise is always sufficient.
Tiffany Grant:Transcribed
Tiffany Grant:by https: otter.