Entrepreneurship + Marketing with Scott Perry | Ep. 56
Scott says it has never been so easy before to start a business from home. No matter what to do there are the tools out there to create things on the fly. He encourages people to take a try on entrepreneurship opportunities with a significantly low investment.
About Our Guest
Scott Perry is the founder of Sperry Media. He has 20 years in entertainment marketing. His projects have included RIck & Morty, My Little Pony, BBC, CBS, Fox, Simpsons, Boondocks, and the X Files. He is the author of Snapchat 101 for adults and Create Your Own Damn Job.
Connect with Scott:
Email: scott@sperrymedia.com
Twitter: @scottperry
Instagram: @scottperry
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilikescottperry
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