Changing Your Money Situation with Tami Jaffe | Ep. 163
Tami Jaffe joins Tiffany this week to dive into money behaviors and how your money changes when you do.
About Our Guest
Tami Jaffe is a success coach, energy shifter, author, and speaker who inspires successful professionals who are dreaming to do something new and make better decisions. Her Amazon #1 best-selling book You Already Made the Decision, You Just Aren’t Happy With It, is a guide on how to make better decisions or live with the ones you’ve already made. Tami has made it her mission to liberate independent success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start and grow their business and not only replace their income but exceed it.
Connect with Tami Jaffe
Twitter: @Coach_Tami
Facebook: coachingwithtami
Connect with Tiffany on Social Media
Facebook: Money Talk With Tiff
Twitter: @moneytalkwitht
Instagram: @moneytalkwitht
LinkedIn: Tiffany Grant