Breaking Down Biblical Money Lessons with Justin Buonomo | Ep. 345
In this enlightening episode, Tiffany Grant is joined by financial expert Justin Buonomo, who delves into the topic of biblical principles regarding money. Justin shares profound insights on how viewing money through the lens of spirituality can create clarity and direction in our financial lives.
Check out the full show notes:
About Our Guest
Justin Buonomo is the visionary CEO & Founder of Journey to Financial Freedom, dedicated to empowering business owners to achieve their dream lifestyle through financial mastery. With a passion for helping business owners live their dream lives fueled and funded by their dream business, Justin believes in the transformative power of taking control of your financial destiny.
Episode Highlights
Principle #1: The Love of Money vs. Money Itself
Justin explains the often misconstrued Bible verse that states, “Money is the root of all evil,” clarifying that it is the “love of money” or idolizing money over God that leads to problems.
Principle #2: Stewardship
Justin discusses the vital concept of stewardship, emphasizing that managing your current finances responsibly is key to being blessed with more. He asserts that God will not bless you with more until you can handle what you currently have properly.
Principle #3: Money as a Magnifier
Further, Justin elaborates on how money magnifies one's existing character and values. He encourages using money as a tool to further good causes and expand God's kingdom.
Personal Stories and Examples
Justin shares personal experiences, including his support for a school in Kenya that helps refugee girls, illustrating how properly managed finances can make a significant impact.
Key Bible Verses Referenced
- 1 Timothy 6:10 – “For the love of money is the root of all evil…”
- Matthew 6:24
- Luke 6:38
- Matthew 25:29
Connect with Justin Buonomo
Follow Justin on Instagram: @justin_buonomo
Tiffany and Justin tie together the principles discussed, emphasizing the importance of understanding and applying these biblical concepts to foster not only personal financial success but also to contribute positively to the community and God's kingdom.
Connect with Tiffany
Social Media: @MoneyTalkWithT
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Copyright 2024 Tiffany Grant
You know what it is. That's right. It's time to talk money with your money
Speaker:nerd and financial coach. Now tighten those purse strings
Speaker:and open those ears. It's the money talk with Tiff
Speaker:Hey, everyone. I am so excited because I have Justin Bouanamo
Speaker:on the line, and he's here to talk to us about biblical principles
Speaker:when it comes to money. So, hey, Justin, how are you? I'm doing
Speaker:fantastic, and I love the topic, and I'm over here itching to get started,
Speaker:so thank you for having me. Yes. And I can't
Speaker:wait because I have a habit of reading the
Speaker:Bible every day, usually twice a day, honestly. And so I'm excited
Speaker:to see what biblical principles we can learn about money.
Speaker:So let's start off with number one. What is number one? I love
Speaker:this. And so, number one is, I love the quote that says, money is an
Speaker:incredible tool, but a terrible God, right? And I think that
Speaker:helps us understand, really, what God says
Speaker:about money in the Bible and what he actually wants us to understand.
Speaker:So, you know, years ago, when I first became a Christian, right,
Speaker:I was a high earner at the time and had really big financial goals. But
Speaker:as I'm reading through the Bible and reading some of the passages
Speaker:and just hearing some pastors talk about money, I'm like,
Speaker:it kind of sounds like God wants us to be poor. And
Speaker:so we're like, he's talking bad about money. And so
Speaker:I prayed to God. I'm like, this just doesn't feel right, Goddesse. And so, can
Speaker:you help me understand what you actually want us and
Speaker:me to know when it comes to money? And he directed me
Speaker:to one of the most misconstrued Bible verses of all
Speaker:time, which says what people say says money is the root
Speaker:of all evil, which why it's misconstrued is because the most important
Speaker:part of that verse is missing, which is the front part of the verse, which
Speaker:says, the love of money is the root of all evil. And let me
Speaker:break that down here a little bit, right? Because if you go into the biblical
Speaker:translation, the greek translation of what the love of something
Speaker:means, it means that if you are loving something in the way that they're using
Speaker:that term or that phrase, it means that you're idolizing it,
Speaker:right? And so when you idolize, you can only idolize one thing at
Speaker:a time, right? And that's where it becomes a problem. Because if you're idolizing
Speaker:money, guess what? You're not leaving room for God, right? And
Speaker:so that's what the biggest biblical principle I like to teach people about
Speaker:money. It's not that God says money is the root of all evil. It's the
Speaker:love of money is the root of all evil. Which means if you love money
Speaker:in the biblical translation of how it's utilized in that verse, it means that you're
Speaker:idolizing it. And you can only idolize one thing at a time. And so if
Speaker:you're idolizing money, you don't leave room for God, and that's where it becomes a
Speaker:problem. And when you're idolizing money, right, you'll do
Speaker:anything right to keep it coming. You'll do anything to keep it around. You'll
Speaker:do anything to keep acquiring that, even if it means
Speaker:straying away from God. And so that's one of the things I love to
Speaker:teach to my clients and love to teach, you know, to my audiences, is that,
Speaker:you know, God doesn't say money itself is the root of all evil. It says,
Speaker:when you love, when you idolize it, when you look at money as your master,
Speaker:that's where it becomes a problem, because money's a piece of paper or a piece
Speaker:of plastic, right? Where money goes bad is when the human being behind it decides
Speaker:to misuse or abuse it. Think about it this way, too, as well, while I
Speaker:wrap this point up. Like, God put alcohol and sex on this
Speaker:earth, where did those things go bad? When the human being decide to
Speaker:misuse and abuse them? Same thing with money. And so money is
Speaker:an incredible tool, but a terrible goddess. Yes. Oh, my
Speaker:gosh, I'm so glad that you dove into that because I've been having these
Speaker:conversations lately, and it's like,
Speaker:it's not money. Because money, like you said, if we use it as a
Speaker:tool, we, for instance, give it back to charity, feed it back into
Speaker:the community. We're just using the money to do
Speaker:certain things. And it's not that we
Speaker:idolize the money, if that makes sense. So I love that you
Speaker:dove into that. So let's go into number
Speaker:two. What do you think is the number two biblical principle as
Speaker:it relates to money? I love this. Okay, so number two is this is actually
Speaker:the key for anybody listening to this. If you want a better money
Speaker:situation, what I'm going to tell you right now is the key, and it's not
Speaker:earning more money, not against making more money, but people think that more money is
Speaker:going to solve your problems. And unless you have good
Speaker:money management habits, that's not true. And so the key
Speaker:to acquiring more money, making your money situation
Speaker:better, getting blessed with more money, solving your money problems is this concept
Speaker:called stewardship? Right. God gives us things on a
Speaker:loan during our lifetime, and he expects us to take care of them in a
Speaker:way that when we go to give it back to him one day, it's in
Speaker:better shape than when he initially gave it to us. One of those things being
Speaker:money. God, in most instances, will not bless you
Speaker:with more money until you've proven that you can handle your current situation
Speaker:correctly. So the key to a better money situation is taking control
Speaker:of your current situation, no matter what's going on. Because if you
Speaker:can't handle your current situation correctly, what makes you think you can handle more? And
Speaker:if you're not honoring your current situation correctly, why should God bless you
Speaker:with more? Usually that stewardship piece is applicable
Speaker:to any topic in your life, but I have found in my own
Speaker:situation and with the thousands of people that I've worked with on their
Speaker:money situation, that stewardship is the key. And stewardship is
Speaker:stepping up. And no matter your current situation, taking control of it to
Speaker:the best of your ability, learning how to manage your current situation, learning how to
Speaker:steward your current situation, right. Making the best of whatever you
Speaker:have right now is the key to not only eliminating some of the
Speaker:problems you have, but also welcoming and acquiring more wealth.
Speaker:Because until you prove that you can handle your current situation correctly,
Speaker:you're putting a self imposed, imposed block on receiving
Speaker:more. And so if you take anything away from this chat,
Speaker:if you're like, man, how do I make my finances better? How do I make
Speaker:more money? How do I save more money? How do I have God bless me
Speaker:with more money, step up and take control of what he's already blessed you with.
Speaker:If you want to welcome and receive more. That is so true. And that is
Speaker:a whole word I wish I had, like my tambourine or something over here,
Speaker:because that is a whole word. That is
Speaker:something that I've been telling, especially when it comes
Speaker:to credit. Right? All of these people are like, oh, I'm going to just go
Speaker:dispute and this, that and the other. But my belief is
Speaker:if you use the service and it's legit, then that's your
Speaker:debt that you need to pay. Because at the end of the day,
Speaker:you want to be a good steward over your money. And when, when I sit
Speaker:down with people and we go through, you know, paying off debt and all of
Speaker:that, their whole lives start changing and
Speaker:it's because of what you just talked about there. So
Speaker:let's get into number three.
Speaker:Yep, yep. And so, yeah, I love what you said. Simply put the rap number
Speaker:two up in the one boat, be a good steward of your money and
Speaker:current situation. I promise you God will open up some
Speaker:crazy doors for you. Right? But until then, you're putting a
Speaker:self imposed block on further blessings. Blessings. And so
Speaker:the last thing here is money is just a magnifier of who you already
Speaker:are. It just magnifies your heart, right? And so I
Speaker:think the biggest mistake that people make with, with money is they use God
Speaker:as a means to money instead of money as a means to
Speaker:God, right? And so my goal with my company is
Speaker:to put more money in the hands of great people, right? Because
Speaker:if great people have more money, they're going to use it to
Speaker:expand God's kingdom, right? Can you expand God's kingdom without
Speaker:money?:Speaker:hands of good people that know how to manage it, they're going to expand
Speaker:God's kingdom even further. Because money is an amazing tool. It's an amazing
Speaker:resource. And so my wife and I like just, I guess you could
Speaker:be transparent on this podcast, we tithe a decent amount of money. But outside of
Speaker:that, we bless a lot of people with our money situation. I'm not saying
Speaker:that from a braggadocious or a self righteous standpoint, but we utilize
Speaker:the money that God has blessed us with to make this world a better place
Speaker:to bring people closer to God. We are involved with a
Speaker:school in Kenya that takes refugee little girls and
Speaker:women that run away from a very toxic, abusive situation,
Speaker:takes them into this school. And it's a Bible study school where they teach them
Speaker:the Bible, they teach them about Christ. And every year we have the
Speaker:blessing to be able to pay the staff salary. I'm saying
Speaker:this to give you an example of how when money is put
Speaker:in the hands of good people, you can utilize it to make the world a
Speaker:better place, right? And also not even just make the world a better place, but
Speaker:to spread God's kingdom. In worst case scenario, when you don't
Speaker:have your money under control, you're putting yourself through a whole bunch of
Speaker:unnecessary stress and anxiety and missed opportunities, especially
Speaker:when it comes to being able to expand God's kingdom. So money is a
Speaker:magnifier of who you already are. So if you become a good person, you grow
Speaker:close to God. All more money is going to do is going to magnify that
Speaker:godliness and allow you to evangelize and spread God's word
Speaker:and spread his kingdom. Oh my gosh, you are
Speaker:preaching to the choir. I'm like,
Speaker:this is exactly, exactly, exactly what we need to do. Which
Speaker:goes back to number one. You know, if we believe that money is the root
Speaker:of all evil, then we're like, oh, my gosh, I don't want to have any
Speaker:money. When you do that, then you can't do number three. You can't
Speaker:give back, you know? Cause you're gonna be. You're gonna be barely making it and
Speaker:things like that, which incorporates, number two, being a good steward.
Speaker:So I love how all of this ties together, and
Speaker:like the Bible says, there's nothing new under the sun, and the playbook
Speaker:is right there. Yes.
Speaker:That's so good. Yes. So thank you so much,
Speaker:Justin, for coming on the show today and talking about this very
Speaker:important topic. And I'll make sure that I have all of
Speaker:those verses, reference verses in the show notes, too. But where
Speaker:could people find you? Okay, absolutely. I'm so happy we took this angle.
Speaker:There's so many things we talk about around money, but this is, I think, most
Speaker:important. When you start to understand these concepts, it creates clarity, it
Speaker:creates direction, and it creates excitement around money, especially when you understand
Speaker:what God is actually calling us to do. And so when it comes to being
Speaker:able to find me, you can just find me on Instagram. Ustin
Speaker:Bouanamo. I'm not even gonna try to spell it. The spelling will be in the
Speaker:show notes, and it will also be, you know, I'm sure, in
Speaker:the title of this. And so feel free to follow me there. Shoot me a
Speaker:DM with your biggest takeaway, and I'd be happy to chat.
Speaker:Thank you. Thank you so much, Justin, for coming on the show and just
Speaker:dropping all of these gems. I'll make sure I have everything in the
Speaker:show notes, especially his last name. And I
Speaker:appreciate you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
Speaker:Thank you for having me. Bye. Thank you for
Speaker:listening, joining, and being a part of the Money Talk with TIFF podcast this
Speaker:week. You can check Tiff out every Thursday for a new money talk
Speaker:podcast. But if you just can't wait until next week, you can listen to
Speaker:previous podcast or
Speaker:follow TIFf on all social media platforms at
Speaker:moneytalkwitht. Until next time, spend wise
Speaker:by spending less than you make a word to the money wise is
Speaker:always sufficient.