Everyone has a unique financial journey. No matter where you are in that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more freedom in your life.
I’m Tiffany Grant
creator and host of the Money Talk With Tiff podcast.
I was a single mom of two boys, going to school full time, and working two jobs trying to make ends meet.
Now, I have become an AFC®, finished my MBA, and had a successful career in HR to improve my situation and help others along the way.
Save More
Learn how to put more money aside each month.
Eliminate Debt
Cut debt from your life and create positive habits.
Invest Smarter
Learn how to invest and reach your goals faster.
My Story
Where do I start? I am a self-proclaimed money nerd and proud of it! I live and breathe finances. After years of giving impromptu advice to family and friends, I said why not start a blog? This way all of the knowledge will have an online platform and reach even more people!
From a young age, I was always money-conscious. I remember being as young as 6 and clipping coupons. Did anyone use them? Nope, but I found joy in going through the motions. When I got my first job at 16, I used coupons to get more bang for my buck. Once I saw how helpful they were, I used coupons for everything! Cashiers were impressed by a teenager leaving with a cart full of items for only $20.
“She helped me create a plan to pay down my dept and helped me stay on track! She has taught me so many helpful lessons, like celebrate the small wins!”
– Haleigh C
“I deeply appreciate her diligence and how she was able to find leakages in my money habits.”
– Jasmine B
“She gets very interpersonal with you and gives you the tools to organize your personal and business life in one on one sessions.”
– Ashley A
Why I Do It
It’s all for my kids! I bought my first house at the age of 26. How? By saving, keeping a close eye on my credit, and living well below my means. Frugal is my middle name! Wealth-building is all about having goals and being laser-focused on accomplishing them. My next goal is to be debt-free (except the house) by age 35.
I have a Bachelor in Business Administration with a concentration in Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC), SHRM-CP, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, and years of experience helping people like you!
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Financial freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll guide you to the finish line with weekly bite-sized advice.
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